OMG! Facts

Legend of the Salamander

Is the Axolotl a salamander or an Aztec god?

Shhh it’s a Giraffe

This animal doesn't have a lot to say.

Stripes on a Zebra

Do all zebras look the same to you? Here's how to tell these black and white animals apart.

Spike Champions of the World!

What's the spikiest animal you know? You could say hedgehog, pufferfish, echidna, even...

Three-eyed Lizard

Sometimes two eyes just aren’t enough. Thankfully the Tuatara, a lizard that lives...

A Moody Blue Jay

These birds like to let the world know how they're feeling!

Turning into Frogsicles

We see lots of frogs in the spring and summer, but have...

Lazy like a Red Panda

Red pandas are one of only a few animals that eat mostly bamboo....

Ramming Rams in a Rut

Did you know that male bighorn sheep are called rams? It's a name...

Badgers Around the World

North America isn't the only place lucky enough to have badgers. They are...