Happy Halloween!

Have a safe and happy Halloween, from everyone at Earth Rangers!

Happy Halloween


  1. Instead of plowing through all my candy, I’m saving it and eating little amounts. I only had three on Halloween night. I spent a good amount of time sorting through my ample types of candy and putting them in seperate plastic bags so I can easily find what I want to eat. 😀 I am such a neat freak. (and proud)

    • You are so organized and much smart than I am. I eat mine right away and before I know it, my candy is gone and the only thing I’m left with is a bad stomach ache!

      What did you dress up as for Halloween?

  2. Eh, you win some, you lose some. 😀 I dressed up as Finn the Human from a cartoon called Adventure Time, you probably aren’t familiar with it, but if you search it you can find plenty of information. My dad went as Jake, Finn’s dog.