
Earth Rangers offers a variety of ways to support educators in schools.

From classroom activities, to material to run a successful eco-club, to professional development, Earth Rangers Homeroom is your one-stop shop for some of the best environmental education resources around! Our hands-on NGSS-aligned activities bring environmental subjects to life – and bring hope.

Earth Rangers’ mission is to help kids feel a sense of agency and realize that their actions really do make a difference – in their community and in the larger world. We do this through the 5E’s to drive Eco-Action: Education, Excitement, Empathy, Empowerment and Environmental Stewardship. Each of these E’s highlights a key to addressing environmental subjects in a way that supports kids and quality science education.

Here are some ideas to get you started!


Earth Rangers Assembly:
(Gr. K-6) NGSS: 2-LS4-1
Earth Rangers Podcast:
i.e. Forests are Big Ecosystems
Outdoor Place-Based Activities:
Observing Animals in Their Habitat
(Gr. 2-6)
NGSS: 2-LS4-1; 2-LS4-4
3-LS4-3; 3LS4-4

Observing & Measuring Trees (Gr. K-3)

NGSS: K-ESS3-3; 3-LS4-1; 3-LS2-1


Reflection and Action Classroom Activities:
Plastic Free Portraits
K-ESS3-3 (Gr. K-6)

Ways to Protect the Planet Game (Gr. 3-8)
NGSS: 3-5-ETS1; 5-ESS3-1

Earth Rangers Missions for home:
Shoreline Saver
Toxic Takedown
More Plastics More Problems
We’ve Got the Power
Operation Conservation
Food Waste Warrior

Environmental Stewardship

School or Community Stewardship Projects:

Single-Use Plastic: Audit and Take Action NGSS: 3-5-ETS1-2; 5-ESS3-1 (Gr. 3-8)

Community Science Projects:
Caring for Butterflies (Gr. K-6)

Earth Rangers Eco Clubs: (Gr. K-8)
3 R’s Challenge
Swap Superstar Mission
Battery Blitz
Rubbish Roundup Mission

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