We need your help! This animal is trying to tell us something but we can’t figure it out! Do you know what these two raccoons are saying?
Caption This: What are these raccoons saying?
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Mom raccoon:don’t forget you’re sunscreen baby
Baby raccoon:yes mom I know
Mom raccoon:just making sure
Baby raccoon:can I go play with my friends now.
Mom raccoon: yes you can ,now remember be safe and have fun,now go
“Hold on one moment, I will help you.”
Almost there ! One pull-up
I think he said I love you
Help us! We’re sorry that we climbed up here!
Help I’m falling save me mom.
Raccoon 1: It’s over Anakin! I have the high ground!
Raccoon 2: You underestimate my power.
Racoon 1. Do you want to be my girl friend .
Racoon 2 . Obviously