Caption This! What’s This Crane Thinking?

We need your help! This crane is trying to tell us something but we can’t figure it out! Do you know what it’s thinking?

See if you can come up with the best caption!

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  1. Earth Rangers,
    here are some reasons that you should have an orca ( killer whale ) campaign: they care for the old young and sick, they adopt baby orcas, they babysit other orca babies, they can live in pods with up to 50 orcas, males can live up to 50 to 60 years, females can live up to 90 to 100 years, one orca, granny lived for 105 years, there are 70 orcas in marine parks, in marine parks there stuck with strangers away from there families and friends, they are so mentally damaged and bored in parks that they attack their trainers sometimes killing them! we need to help orcas.
    please reply,