Tin Can Owl

Tin Can Owl

Time:20 min Difficulty:Medium  

Look hoo’s here!
Have you come to craft a very special owl? We’re sure you tin can do it!

Here’s what you need:

  • An upcycled tin can
  • Glue
  • 2 googly eyes
  • 2 bottle caps (plastic or metal)
  • A clothes pin
  • 3 pipe cleaners
  • Paper, foam, or felt sheets
    TIP: Upcycle an old piece of paper or newspaper instead of using something new!

Here’s how you make it:

Step 1: Clean off your can and make sure all of the labels have been removed.

Step 2: Glue your googly eyes to the inside of your bottle caps. Once dry, stick them to your tin can.

Step 3: In between your owl’s eyes, glue the clothespin. Your bird now has a beak!

Step 4: Cut out two wing-like shapes in your paper, and your pipe cleaners in half.

Step 5: Arrange your pipe cleaner halves in a way that resembles talons. Glue them to the bottom of your tin can. Add the two wings and you’ve got yourself a funky owl!

What are you naming your new buddy? We’re owl ears.