5 reasons why RIGHT NOW is the *perfect* time for a hike!


Canada is the country with the second most trees in the world – right behind Russia! Approximately half of the country is covered by forest. Besides our fantastic forests being known worldwide for their hiking trails, they also help us fight climate change by limiting the growth of city smog and keeping local temperatures down – thanks trees!!

What better way to show your appreciation than by heading out to the great outdoors for a hike? Here’s 5 reasons why March is the perfect time for a stroll!

  1. It’s warmer, but not so warm that all of the snow has become muddy slush! You don’t need to bundle up quite as much to face the elements, but you still get to enjoy a winter wonderland. Find yourself a forest with lots of trees and you’ve likely got enough shade to keep the sun’s rays from melting all the snow.
  2. You might get to see some early signs of spring! There might not be a lot of buds and blooms out yet but you may find some sneak peeks at what is to come.
  3. NO BUGS! While spring, summer, and autumn all have their own reasons that draw us to the trail, not having to worry as much about bug spray to prevent bites from mosquitoes and other bothersome bugs really gives winter hiking some mega-cool points in our books.
  4. It’s a great way to get moving! With lots of public indoor areas closed lately, a frolic in the forest gives your family lots of options to still feel like you’re on the go.
  5. If your trail has a viewpoint, you might be able to see even further with less leaves blocking the landscape. Don’t forget those binoculars!

Ready to hit the trails? Look up hiking areas where you live with the help of an adult, using trail map apps like AllTrails, or look right on the Ontario Greenbelt website. If you live in Ontario, you probably live near one of world’s largest Greenbelt. The Ontario Greenbelt surrounds cities like Hamilton and Toronto, as well as Durham, York, Peel, and Niagara Region. It’s home to 2 million acres of protected forests, wetlands, urban river valleys, and farmlands and was designated in 2005 to help preserve important greenspaces around an area growing really quickly.

Anything else we should add to our list of reasons to hike this time of year? Share your thoughts in the comments!

Accept the Back to Nature Mission to help you come up with awesome activities to do when you’re out on the trail!