Mission Objective:

The Re-set the ‘stat Mission encourages kids to adjust their home thermostat to reduce energy consumption. By raising the temperature in the summer and lowering it in the winter, they can reduce their household greenhouse gas emissions and help mitigate climate change.

To complete this Mission, kids will…

  • Read through the Mission Brief to learn how saving energy can help slow down climate change.
  • Set their thermostat to a lower temperature in the winter or higher temperature in the summer.
  • Put a paper cut-out beside their thermostat as a reminder to keep the planet in mind when setting the temperature.
  • Use the tips in the Mission Brief to help them keep cool in the summer and warm in the winter.

Mission Items:

When members accept this Mission, they receive summer and winter Mission Briefs and a cutout to go next to their thermostat.

What Kids Think:

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