Planet-Protecting Powerhouse Micaela

What inspires you to protect the planet? Is it a love of nature? Would you do anything for animals? Or maybe you want to help make the world a better place for the future? For Super Ranger Micaela, it’s all that and more! It all starts with her family…

Both of Micaela’s parents are from small islands. They’ve seen the environment change a lot over their lifetime. Her mum remembers snorkeling through coral reefs that have now disappeared. She remembers playing on beaches that are now covered in invasive seaweed. Sadly, small islands are some of the places hardest hit by climate change. 

The good news is that for people on the islands, being eco-friendly is a way of life. They have to keep their garbage low because they have to take it to the dump themselves. They also get money for returning glass and plastic bottles. 

All of this made Micaela jump into action! She is part of her school’s Green Team and spends her time on nature walks picking up garbage. Her family brings reusable containers to the store so they don’t have to buy more packaging. They even make their own beeswax wraps instead of using plastic wrap. BUT that’s not all! Micaela’s hoping to put together a recess clean-up!  Very cool, Micaela! Very cool!

Micaela’s words of advice:

I want kids to know that it’s so important to protect the environment because it takes care of us. It provides the clean air we breathe, the water that we drink, and the food that we eat. By taking care of the environment, we take care of ourselves, too.

Those are some wise words. Way to go Micaela! 

Have you done any Super Ranger actions? Share them with us at


  1. earth ranger Micaela you have done a very good job. My school did a recess clean up and planted some flowers . Here are some advice : you can start making a club and you can ask kids in your school to help you and maybe you can do that cleaning idea every friday. Trust me wen you ask kids to help , they could be a lot of people helping you. i did not steal your idea but it is a good one . have you ever thought about making a fundraise for in danger animals cause i did one.