Meet Scarlett!

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The planet needs our support and we know children are ready to jump in to help! We call those kids Earth Rangers and the world needs more of them. Sharing inspiring stories is one way to spread the word about the power of eco-action. 
1. What excites your child the most about being an Earth Ranger?
Matt: Scarlett is excited about helping change the world through fun activities like the ones in the app. She’s been working through the Rangers vs Plastics Challenge recently. She also loved being a clean plate champion in the All Taste, No Waste Challenge. It was really important to her. 
2. Can you tell us about a Mission that Scarlett connected with?
Matt: More Plastic, More Problems is the Mission she has put the most effort into so far. 
3. Has their eco-action had a ripple effect on the family and friends?
Matt: Absolutely! Scarlett has been vocal in making sure we use less plastics and create less waste. She has been asking about adding a food composter in the back yard. 
4. What do you think is one of the most important things your child has learned as an Earth Ranger member?
Matt: I think she has become more aware of the resources being used around the house and at school. 
5. As a parent, what do you think of Earth Rangers programs?