Super Ranger Sisters Rowan and Kendra

Rowan and Kendra are sisters who love animals and nature! When they found out about Earth Rangers they both signed up right away.

Rowan (left) and Kendra (right)
Rowan (left) and Kendra (right)

Rowan is eight-years-old and she chose to help protect the beluga whale, “I have always been excited about animals and nature!! I chose the beluga whale because I love them and I really want them to be around for a long, long time.”


Kendra is 11-years-old and she chose to help protect the Blanding’s turtle, “I have always been passionate about animals and nature. I chose the Blanding’s turtle because I have always loved turtles. This summer, when we were camping, we learned a lot about them and we saw one on the road and helped it cross the road. We have done that a lot because we see lots of turtles where we live. My mom calls me a turtle crossing guard!”


Rowan was especially excited when she joined Earth Rangers as her 8th birthday was fast approaching and she decided to have an Earth Rangers birthday party and ask for donations instead of presents. The party was a great success, complete with pin the party hat on the beluga whale and beluga themed cupcakes.

Rowan w Birthday Poster 1



For her campaign, Kendra made signs and posters and went to different classrooms at school to tell other students about Earth Rangers and the Blanding’s turtle. The girls also made bracelets and necklaces as an incentive to get people to donate, if people donated at least $5 they got to choose one.


Thanks to their efforts some of their friends have joined too and they can’t wait to choose their next mission. Together Rowan and Kendra raised $535 and decided to split the funds between the two projects.

The girls believe in lending a helping hand to all animals and even have a catch and release program at home where they catch bugs and insects they find inside and release them unharmed outside. They also pick up litter, recycle and take care not to disturb the wild spaces they visit.

Rowan_Kendra w turtle 1

A Message from Rowan:
“A lot of animals are endangered now that didn’t use to be, and it’s almost always because of humans. If we change the things that we do and have more respect for animals and nature, lots more animals will be able to survive. We can do a lot to help, every little thing adds up to be a big help to the animals!”

A Message from Kendra:
“I think it’s so important to help animals and the environment. All the creatures and everything else in nature are so beautiful and important. If the world keeps going in the direction it is going, we will lose a lot of different species. We need to work together to save the planet and all the creatures in it. Always remember that YOU can make a difference.”

Rowan_Kendra w their Rewards (small)

Thank you Rowan and Kendra for all of your efforts to help animals and their homes!

Earth Rangers is a non-profit organization that works to inspire and educate children about the environment. At kids can play games, discover amazing facts, meet animal ambassadors and fundraise to protect biodiversity.