Animal Saving Sam

Meet Sam, a very curious and caring four year old who loves to explore nature. His family describes him as a real scientist who will spend hours outside looking at bugs, flowers and collecting different leaves. He is fascinated with nature and the lives of animals, he even insists on only watching documentaries that have animals and nature in them.

Sam saw an Earth Rangers’ show at the Royal Ontario Museum where he watched a short film and got to see some live Animal Ambassadors. This young Earth Ranger was so excited by the show that he wanted to do something to help the grizzlies so he started a Bring Back the Wild™ campaign.

Ranger Deed

While up at the cottage Sam and his older sister volunteered at an annual street festival. With so many people around for the festival Sam decided it would be a great idea to have a lemonade stand to raise awareness for his Bring Back the Wild™ campaign. Sam excitedly sold lemonade, telling the visitors to his stand about how they were helping to protect the Grizzly bear and thanking them for their donation.

super ranger sam, climbing, tree

Words of Wisdom

Final thoughts from Sam the Super Ranger reminds us how important it is to protect the environment he says it best with “keep the earth clean so the animals don’t become extinct!”

RBC Foundation Supporter

Earth Rangers is a non-profit organization that works to inspire and educate children about the environment. At kids can play games, discover amazing facts, meet animal ambassadors and fundraise to protect biodiversity.