Earth Saver Ethan

It’s not everyday that we meet a 9 year old so passionate about helping animals, but according to Ethan he is just a typical boy, who loves Lego, video games and birds. However, this kid’s dislikes are just as important as his likes – he gives a big thumbs-down to pollution. Ethan doesn’t like plastic bags being dumped on the ground and in the ocean because, as he pointed out to us, it kills birds that are going fishing for food. Ethan loves all kinds of animals, like the puppy he fosters and the eagles he helps monitor through his volunteer work, but his favourite species is the Desert hawk.

Super Ranger Ethan

How it all began…

Ethan saw an Earth Rangers’ public service announcement on TV and decided to sign-up, choosing to protect the Spotted turtle. With his account created and his avatar made, Ethan headed out on an epic adventure to help save the Spotted turtle!

Making a difference!

Global Guardian RewardsEthan visited local businesses to collect donations for his Bring Back the Wild™ campaign. The store owners Ethan visited were really supportive, offering donations for the Spotted turtle and even giving him some candy and a toy! Next Ethan sold some of his old toys and reached out to his teachers for support. He even got his family involved by asking his parents to share his campaign on Facebook. All this effort paid off and Ethan was able to spread awareness about animals that are at risk while raising donations to help protect the Spotted turtle. As an added bonus Ethan reached the Global Guardian fundraising level on, scoring some sweet Earth Rangers’ buttons, a t-shirt and a hoody.

Words of wisdom

Ethan wanted to share with everyone how great it felt to help the Spotted turtle, saying that becoming involved with Bring Back the Wild™ wasn’t that difficult and it was worth it. But his most important message, which you should totally show your parents, is that we should all…“Remember TV can inspire stuff!
spotted turtle grass

Click here to find out more about Bring Back the Wild™ or get started on your own campaign to help protect animals at risk.
The Spotted Turtle Project is generously supported by Ontario Power Generation.

Who should be the next Super Ranger? Tell us whose amazing acts of green we should feature!

RBC Foundation Supporter

Earth Rangers is a non-profit organization that works to inspire and educate children about the environment. At kids can play games, discover amazing facts, meet animal ambassadors and fundraise to protect biodiversity.

Heads Up, Earth Ranger: Don't share any personal details in your comments (like your last name, school name, or even age). The Earth Rangers team checks all comments to keep it safe and fun for everyone!